Sunday, January 2, 2011

Smoke Coming
From Oven Door

This week I received the following
email from a woman:

Hope you have run across this problem
because I am going a bit nuts. This is
my third time scrubbing my oven, and
I still have smoke originating from
the inside oven door.

The door is spotless, I have cleaned
around the insulation stripping, and I
literally see the smoke coming off of
where the window would be... It doesn't
actually have a window. I use a brillo
pad and repeatedly wiped away gunk and
residue, so that isn't causing the
smoke. Any suggestions?



It sounds to me like there must be a
vent on the door. Otherwise, how could
smoke come out of the door?

She mentions that the smoke seems to be
coming from where the oven door window
would be, if she had an oven door window.
I'm finding this hard to visualize. I can't
imagine smoke coming out of the center
of the oven door.

There is one possibility. It seems to
me that someone wrote to me about having
vents underneath the oven door handle.
If she has vents there, then she could
have smoke coming out of the frontside
of her oven door.

I've just found the post from a few
months ago that describes a situation
where the oven door vents are found
behind the oven door handle:

Oven Door Vents
Are Behind Handle
and Very Hard to Clean

Perhaps this is the answer. If she has
vents underneath her oven door handle,
and some food has gotten into these vents,
maybe this is where the smoke is coming

Anyone have a better idea?

Everything comes from somewhere. The smoke
coming out of her oven door must be coming
from somewhere too.

Ed Abbott


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