Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Choosing A Spray Bottle to Clean Your Oven


OK. Just got the following email:

Good morning Ed

Belfast Northern Ireland calling - was
so excited to try your eco friendly oven
cleaning  method ie; with bicarboninate
of soda -  but the stuff won't spray out
of the bottle.  What am I doing wrong,
do I add hot water to the bicarbon soda
or cold?  I don't want to waste any more
as i've already used a whole pkt; with
cold water with no success.  HELP! please.

Yours sincerely  

Here's how I replied:


This is a common problem.  Clogged spray
bottles are a common problem.

Here's the solution that I've found and that
others have found.

Be sure to buy your spray bottle empty rather
than using a spray bottle that is pre-filled.  Seems
that prefilled spray bottles are very application
specific and therefore cause problems.

For example, some pre-filled spray bottles are
pre-filled with a window cleaning solution.  These
bottles are a problem.

Since they are not designed to accommodate baking
soda, they will not accommodate baking soda.  Thus
the bottle clogs.

The bottles I bought were general purpose spray bottles.
The nozzles were adjustable and you could put all kinds
of things through the nozzle.

The nozzle could be set to produce a fine mist or
it could be set (with a twist of the ring on the
tip of the sprayer) to produce a stream of water
that did not mist at all.

In other words, the bottle itself was designed to
accommodate a lot of different situations and a lot
of different spray solutions.

Hope this helps!

Ed Abbott


  1. After I busted a plastic bottle that I had bought specifically for this purpose, I realized that even a good spray bottle may not be able to handle very much baking soda. So here's instructions for what I did:
    1. Spray oven with water to get it damp.
    2. Sprinkle baking soda all over - either with your hands or straight from the box - it will stick to the dampness created by the water.
    3. Spray with water again to activate the action.

    Good luck!

  2. Ed, i'm wondering if setting a bowl of water on the oven rack and leaving it there, except when cooking of course, would help to keep the baking soda damp enough.

    1. Hi Bria,

      My best guess is that it would not help that much. Why? Because the only thing the bowl of water would do would be to raise the relative humidity of the oven. Since wet baking soda raises the relative humidity as well, it might work better to just simply use more wet baking soda.

      However, theory often differs from actual practice. If you can find a way to make this work, I'm all for it! This is all guesswork on my part.

      On second thought, there does seem to be one advantage to the bowl of water. You never run of water. At least, not for a while.


  3. My oven is Westinghouse I live in Housing Commission Australia so once I tacked my oven with two cans of Mr mussel the actual oven is ok now it is the roof of the oven which again sprayed with oven spray left for ages then go a steam blaster some of it now you can feel the actual smoothness of the oven but their is still some that has been their for years I am getting there but want the roof of the oven all smooth no crap up there

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